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Online Community

Become a FREE online member

Are you looking for some career inspiration? Do you need some help with your business? ​Are you finding it hard to navigate your way around available support? ​Would you like to learn some new skills, grow your knowledge, or just refresh existing?


Or maybe you just want some friendly advice or guidance from people you can trust because they share your lived experience and get you?


Whatever your reason, if you're the spouse or partner of someone who is currently serving in the British Armed Forces or has served in the past, this awesome Online Community is the place to be!


We're fully funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (AFCFT), so it's FREE to join, too.


Coworking Hubs

Become a hub member

Is your work-life balance taking a hit? Are you being less productive? Is the sound of the washing machine spinning doing your head in? Are you tired of working from home on your own?


Are you longing for a professional space to work from that's on your doorstep? Do you want the chance to network and socialise with a group of like-minded people, and be part of an extra special community?


If this is you, and you're a military spouse or partner attached to a military base where we operate one of our amazing coworking spaces, then becoming a hub member could be just the solution you're looking for.

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