About Megane

Most of you will know Megane Bambridge as the Project Manager at the MCN.
If you are a Hub Member, you will undoubtedly have had contact with her at some point in your membership journey.
But Megane is a military spouse too and consequently, has faced the same challenges as you.
This is her story.
“Before I moved to Bovington, life for me was normal. My husband, Jared, was stationed at Warminster, and we lived in private accommodation in Westbury. I worked remotely full-time as a Project Manager for a multi-national company in the Health & Beauty sector. Covid19 had made working from home an accepted way of working, and life was simple.”
A posting to Bovington impacted her career.
In 2021 her husband was posted to Bovington. The end of the pandemic saw Covid19 restrictions being lifted, and more and more businesses were asking their employees to return to the office.
“With the pandemic safely put to bed, the company I worked for wanted all members of staff to return to the office for at least two-days a week. For me this meant a daily commute of a minimum of three hours twice weekly – so a significant impact on my work-life balance. I tried to negotiate a different arrangement given my circumstance as a military spouse, but they were not receptive to an alternative work pattern that would have enabled me to sustain my career without impacting my quality of life and wellbeing. I began looking for a new role that would offer more flexibility and alignment to military life.”
My first touchpoint with the MCN was through the Bovington Coworking Hub.
“When I discovered that the MCN was opening a coworking hub at Bovington, I was thrilled. They were looking for volunteers to help set up the space, and I put my name on the list and got involved. As soon as it launched, I signed up as a member.

“It’s a great space and well-kitted out.
"For me, it made me feel like I was going to work again and gave me real purpose.
"I am easily distracted by things going on around me. So, if the washing machine finishes, for example, I feel compelled to hang it up as soon as it came to the end of its cycle. I couldn’t do that when I was in the hub, which in turn meant I could be more focussed on my work and more productive when I was there. It naturally forced me to have a better work routine and work in a more structured way. It also gave me separation from home and work, something I value, and meant I wasn’t cluttering my home up with work stuff everywhere.”
The second touchpoint was a job offer.
“I was still actively seeking new employment whilst I was a Hub Member. It was one of the military spouses on base who told me that the MCN was looking to hire a new Membership Engagement & Development Executive and signposted me to the job advert. I read the job description, saw it offered me the flexibility I needed as a military spouse, applied – having experienced the MCN firsthand through the hub, I felt I already had a good understanding of their remit, which gave me the confidence to apply - and got the job.
“When the role of Project Manager with the MCN came up, I jumped at the chance. It gave me the opportunity to use my skills and knowledge properly and put me in a role that I really enjoy – so much so, that I’m still here two years later. I love being part of such a great initiative that is making such a difference to military spouses/partners and delivering real social impact on the Armed Forces community. Now I can actively help others accomplish what I have achieved.”
In March 2024 another posting – this time to Colchester
“Moving to Colchester has been quite a culture shock for me. Colchester is the desert to the oasis of Bovington. Maybe it was because Bovington is smaller and more remote, but it offered a lot more opportunities to connect. This is not the case at Colchester.
“Colchester is a much bigger garrison. And because it is the ‘Home of the Paras’, most of the parachute regiments are permanently based here, only relocating if the whole Unit is moved.
“That means many serving personnel live locally. They still have their social and family networks on their doorsteps, which makes it harder for people like me to interact and integrate with the military community here.
“Jared and I also don’t have kids, so I don’t have the common touchpoints that ‘mums and dads’ have, like nursery, school and other kids’ clubs, which compounds the problem.
“Working remotely, means I am mainly reliant on virtual interactions for company – team meetings, online events and similar. The opportunities to physically connect here are limited. Fortunately, my job offers me some scope for human contact, but it is restricted due to the nature of the work I do.”
I took the coworking hub at Bovington for granted.
“It was only when we moved to Colchester, that I realised how much I had taken the coworking hub at Bovington for granted. Now that I don’t have it, I really miss it. It made such a difference to my quality of life, my wellbeing, and my work-life balance. Now life and work all happen within the four walls of my SFA, which is less than ideal.
“Jared is often away on exercise or longer deployments, so I am left very much on my own with nowhere to really go. My life has become a lot narrower and lonelier without the hub.”
Megane’s husband, Jared, shared his view.
“Whilst we were based at Bovington, it was a huge comfort to me to know that Megane had a place to go where she could meet like-minded people and feel more connected with the local military community. I am often away on exercise or longer deployments, so Megane frequently spends extended periods alone.
“In March 2024 I was posted to Colchester. Although a big garrison, there are less opportunities for working spouses with no children to connect. Life as a spouse here can be quite isolating. A coworking space here would provide the solution and give me the assurance I need when out on exercise, that she is provided for and not on her own.”