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The Power of the MCN Online Network

Donna Burns

Updated: Sep 16, 2024

Let me begin with a quick introduction. My name is Donna and I am part of the MCN Delivery Team. But I’m also a military spouse – my husband, Paul, served in the British Army for 25 years. Until I joined the MCN, I had never considered myself a military spouse – I wasn’t married to Paul when he served - and yet, technically speaking, that is what I am. And despite the fact that I’ve not lived the military experience, I’ve been affected by it, firstly through my husband’s PTSD and the impact this had on my family and our relationship, and now more positively, through my career, and my MCN Membership.

So many doors of opportunity to open, but which ones?

I have to concede my knowledge of the military community prior to joining the MCN was scant, but I’ve really enjoyed my journey of discovery.

I’ve met lots of fascinating people along the way, all doing some pretty amazing things.

I’ve loved finding out about all the different organisations that offer support to military spouses & partners, and sharing this knowledge with our members, making it easier for them to navigate their way around this complex landscape and make informed choices. And boy is it complex!

My role has allowed me drill right down to the core offering of many organisations, organisations like RFEA, TechVets, Recruit for Spouses, X-Forces, Forces Families Jobs (FFJ), The Warrior Programme, Supporting the Unsung Hero, Heropreneurs, Uniform Properties, WithYouWithMe, The Ripple Pond, and many more. I’ve been able to gleam so much more information by talking to the people behind these brands than I would ever have been able to sweep up from simply browsing their websites.

My personal takeaways

I got the chance to find out all about The Warrior Programme – a discovery that has literally changed my life. I’d never heard of it before and I certainly wouldn’t have considered myself eligible. The MCN led me to their door, and I opened it - and I haven’t looked back since. It’s taught me how to deal with my issues and find healing without having to relive my past. I’ve had some incredible ‘aha’ moments, met some great people, and the wonderful thing is that it keeps on giving, providing me with ongoing support.

My knowledge has grown too, especially through our online events, knowledge I’ve been able to share with my network, like how to start a career in tech thanks to a fantastic presentation by Jess Sullivan or how set up a proof-reading & copyediting business following a great session with Jessica Brown. I even have a better understanding of tax returns and what business expenses you can claim for thanks to a great online event with Alison Edward from Simply Balanced Solutions! And I’ve acquired some great tips on how to manage my money more effectively from Katie Volker, Financial Planner and founder of Volker Financial Planning – something that has become increasingly important with the rising cost of living crisis we are all currently facing.

I’ve learned about Imposter Syndrome from Estelle Read, qualified Coach, Trainer, best-selling Author, and Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, discovered the power of the unconscious mind, and been introduced to simple techniques, like Havening and Journaling, to help me improve my wellbeing.

I’ve discovered organisations like the Association of Scottish Businesswomen (ASB), and met and been inspired by some truly extra-ordinary women, like Ann Johnson, Finance Director and Cofounder of Blaze Manufacturing Solutions and President of the ASB Committee, and Alison Cowell, a world-renowned Holistic Nutritionist, International Speaker and Author.

I had the privilege to participate in one of the amazing workshops run by Heropreneurs, where I met Paul Vicary, a Wellbeing & Mental Fitness Coach and Cofounder of X-Calibre Mental Health, and learned some great techniques on how to manage stress and anxiety in business, as well as getting to grips with these concepts, and understanding how they are linked, and when and why they are triggered – information, I’ve shared with our members.

I’ve been given the opportunity to dig deep into the science behind the Menopause, and share my findings, insights and experiences with other women, so they can be more aware and informed when their time comes – a subject that I am truly passionate about as a long-term sufferer.

And, should I at some point in my life decide to set up my own business, I know just who to turn to for support!

I really have acquired a wealth of information.

Something for you too?

You may say I’m biased – after all, I work for the MCN – but it really is a great initiative for military spouses & partners. There is so much you can learn by being part of this amazing network.

Membership of the Online Network is FREE and open to all military spouses & partners of serving personnel, veterans & reservists.


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