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News & articles


What's on the other side?

Donna Burns

We’ve announced that the new MCN Members Area is live. We’ve talked about sweets and treats, and well-stocked shelves. But now we’d like to tell you a bit more about what we’ve done, why we did it, and, more importantly, what you can expect to find ‘on the other side of JOIN NOW!

Our Approach

We went back to the drawing board, and carefully studied the outcomes of our 2020 research, which surveyed over 2,200 military spouses & partners to identify their common challenges, concerns, wants and wishes.

Our Themes

It quickly became apparent that there were 3 chart-topping themes:

  • How to create a future alongside military life – business or career

  • How to improve wellbeing, so everything that impacts how you feel, from family matters to relationship issues, financial concerns to life planning, as well as your physical and emotional health.

  • And finally, overcoming loneliness and isolation by having opportunities to meet and connect with new people, socially as well as professionally.

These building blocks underpin our new Members Area – everything we do, fits under these themes.

The Concept

We stepped into your shoes, and viewed the world from your perspective.

All around you are hundreds of organisations, all claiming to do more or less the same thing – but which one is the right one for you? Do you sometimes feel like you’re drowning? Lost? Confused? Don’t know where to turn or which path to take?

Well, no more, because we are throwing you a life ring, unravelling the wool, and bringing light into the darkness.

We are the linchpin in your world, the missing link, the central hub that brings it all together.

We’re doing all the hard work for you

Instead of simply playing ‘Google’ and just giving you pages of links for you to follow and explore, we’re doing all the hard work for you:

  • We are talking to the organisations to find out exactly what it is they do, and how they can help you & presenting that information back to you in the form of easy-to-read blogs, top tips, case studies and more.

  • We are allowing you make informed decisions and choices and navigate your way with ease.

  • We’re supporting your career with upskilling opportunities, working hard to negotiate the best deals for you – some FREE, others funded or heavily discounted.

  • ·We’re connecting you with like-minded people to allow you to grow and develop, and build relationships that could last a life-time.

  • We’re inspiring you so you can be the best version of YOU.

In short, we’re making your life easier.

Find a solution to every problem

We want you to come to us with your problem, and find a solution.

That may come in different shapes and sizes:

  • Perhaps someone within the network can help you directly.

  • Perhaps we will signpost you to an organisation that CAN offer you the support you need.

  • Or perhaps you will find the solution in our extensive Resource Library.

There are so many options and opportunities just waiting for you.

All you need to do is EXPLORE!

So, what topics have we got covered?

Well, lots. Here just a few examples:

  • Careers that work well alongside military life, including insights and top tips e.g. how to set up your own Virtual Assistant business or get a job with the Civil Service.

  • Events like our forthcoming #SMS on Tour, a FREE social media clinic with BFBS, which we’re bringing to our coworking hubs free of charge to all military spouses & partners.

  • Learning & Development opportunities, such as Beyond 2030’s Visionary Women Programme, which has a 50% discount for all MCN members.

  • Our double-feature blog on the Menopause, which looks at the science behind the Menopause, examines the research that sits behind public opinion, and looks at what you can do about it.

  • Tips on setting up your own business, including funded opportunities and insights into programmes that can help you on your way.

  • In-depth information on organisations that can help with mental health and wellbeing issues, including how they work, who’s eligible, and what to expect, allowing you to explore in a confidential environment before taking the first step.

  • Top tips on how to manage stress and anxiety in and out of business or get to grips with your life planning, such as Wills & Testaments.

And much, much more.

And the great thing is, it is a resource that will keep on growing and growing.

With so much expertise out there in the military spouse community and a membership that is willing to share, it is only going to get bigger and better.

Who’s it for

Well, for you, and you, and you!

If you are a military spouse or partner of someone who is currently serving in the British Armed Forces, or is a veteran or reservist, you can join our Online Network and get access to all of this!

And the great thing is it’s not only FREE. It’s also for life. Because we know that the impact of military life travels with you well beyond your partner’s service.

Do you need any more reasons?

See you on the other side!



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